Help us honor a Single Mother

Why Honor a Single Mother?

As a young girl, I was raised by an extraordinary single mom of three, though I didn't truly grasp the depth of her sacrifice until I reached the age of 15 or 16. My mom had an uncanny ability to shield us from the hardships she faced, but as children mature, they become keen observers, and no matter how diligently you try to conceal it, the struggles eventually become apparent. I vividly recall my determination to not be a burden but rather to assist my mom in any way I could, no matter how small. At the age of 16, I embarked on my first job journey at McDonald's. It was driven by a desire to take care of the typical teenage aspirations like going out with friends, covering my own phone bill, or even just filling up my gas tank without imposing on my mom. 

Now, as a mother myself, I find myself looking back and contemplating the immense challenge that the raising 3 kids must have posed for my own mother. Balancing the desire to spoil your children with the necessity of maintaining a modest everyday lifestyle is an extraordinary feat. I observed the world around me and saw the countless children's toy drives, and while they are undeniably wonderful, they primarily focus on the children.

However, a question weighed heavily on my heart: Has anyone ever asked how the mother is holding up? This year, it struck me with a profound sense of purpose, and I sought confirmation from the Lord that this would be our next mission.

If your heart feels inclined to partner with us, know that no contribution is too small or too large to make a genuine difference. And if, for any reason, you cannot contribute financially, I implore you to stand with us in prayer, that we may see this mission through to its completion. We firmly believe that God blesses those who give joyfully, so let us be joyful and may blessings abound.

With love, Sherlyn.

Are you a single mother?

God put a desire on our teams heart to honor single mothers and help financially in whichever way we can. While we know we are believing for a big help from our community we understand the importance of honoring others! If you see yourself in a position where you are giving your all to make sure your children have the best and so that they will not notice the struggle, please fill out the form below for a chance to be chosen to be sponsored.